Sketchbook Project #13 (pero solo se le parece...)

Mis obras, dibujos y otras pasiones
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Time to relax on the beach. It was the first time I carried my sketchbook with me to there and it was a good experience: under the sunshade, with a lemonade and the idea to draw the first thing I saw... And what was that "thing"? It was me I am (though I should say: here are my legs over and over again! :D )
Burgos. Qué ciudad más bonita....Hace alguna semana estuvimos pasando unos días allí y realmente nos encantó. La catedral de Burgos me pareció totalmente impresionante, con una belleza y una elegancia absoluta, la cual merecía hacerle un dibujo que quedara en mi "sketchbook".
Espero que os guste :D
Burgos: What a beautiful city! I was there with my family some weeks ago and we really enjoyed it. The cathedral is absolutely impressive, beauty and elegant. It was worth doing a quick sketch of that place.
Hope you like it :D
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